In December 2018, we were informed that we have only about 12 years (Edit: it’s looking more like 8, recent studies find) left to turn this ship around. So much has to happen politically, but we the people also need to change habits. In January 2019 I started posting monthly challenges to introduce some sustainable lifestyle habits for you to try and that may potentially stick with you for life. Lots of little droplets make up the largest ocean.
Are you absolutely unable to do the current challenge? Or maybe you are underwhelmed with the challenge and want an extra one?
Check out the previous challenges to see if there is something you would like to try.
April ’21: Quit Fast Fashion March ’21: Guerilla Gardening February ’21: Flush Less New Year 2021: Become a Climatarian December ’20: Conscious Gifts November ’20: Lending Not Buying October ’20: Get Political September ’20: Surf and Plant Trees with Ecosia August ’20: That Thing About Packaging July ’20: Zero Food Waste June ’20: Never Buy Bottled Water Ever Again May ’20: Plogging April ’20: Media Meetings March ’20: Chem Free Cleaning February ’20: “Stoßlüften” January ’20: Cut Out Palm Oil December ’19: Zero Waste Gift Wrap November ’19: Share Food October ’19: Swap Clothes September ’19: Cycle Everywhere August ’19: Short Distance Haolidays July ’19: Refuse Single-Use Utensils June ’19: Quit Beef May ’19: Bag the Plastic April ‘
19: Dip Your Clothes in Sun
March ’19: Sustainable Drinking on the Go
February ’19: Wearing Clothes Better
January ’19: “SHOP STOP”
Do you want to set next month’s sustainability challenge?
Contact me and pitch me your challenge. It might be up next month. You can either write the whole challenge, and why we should do it, or just give me an idea for something to look into.