It is now cool and wet and dark and all I want to do is curl up with lots of blankets, read books and sip on tea. And that made me come up with this month’s, very simple challenge: This month, I challenge you to stop buying tea prepackaged in bags, switch to loose tea…
Category: Food
eating green
Pfälzer Dobbes – A Recipe for Autumn Savory Sprinkle Topping with Sweet Chestnuts
It is time for foraging and preparing for winter! Well, not really, as we have supermarkets, but it is still a nice way to spend your autumn afternoons: Breathing fresh air and looking at the colorful leaves. So go out and collect some freshly fallen sweet chestnuts! Bring them home and then follow this recipe…
Wonderful Wild Garlic (Allium ursinum) – And my Favourite Way to Eat it: Wild Garlic-Oil
Its that time of the year where foraging is exciting even to those who don’t like the acquired taste of many wild plants: Wild garlic is popping up and I am spending my free time looking for it in the forest close to my home. Yesterday, I even bumped into a wild boar, who was…
Warming Winter Breakfast Oats
It snowed! It’s cold! And I decided to get back into the habit of having fruit for breakfast. There is not a lot of fruit in the middle of winter but thankfully the freezer is full of things from when the garden was full of food. I just made something with what I had, and…
11 Food-Blogs for Overwhelmed Vegan Beginners
Veganism saves the planet. Omitting animal products from your diet helps prevent loss of habitat, climate change, water pollution and animal cruelty. So the obvious thing to do is be as vegan as you can. But it can be so hard! Especially when you don’t have any inspiration on what to eat and you are…
Nature Care Challenge | January 2021: Become a Climatarian
It’s a new year folks! Time to make big commitments again! This month, or actually, its January. Lets make this a new YEAR’s resolution. Because this one will take a while to get into. I don’t think a month is enough time to do it all and decide if you want and can stick with…
Nature Care Challenge | August 2020: That Thing About Packaging
Hello lovely people! This month, I have a challenge that is also still a challenge for me, rather than already a habit. This month I challenge you to buy only package-free! I find this hard. Especially after a long day at work it is much easier to stop at the supermarket on the way, rather…
Wild Herb Butter
Summertime! And the livin’ is easy… especially when you know a thing or two about wild herbs and foraging. I’m just cruising around stuffing my face with wild berries and leaves these days. So I had the idea to show you a few and give you a very simple recipe for a super tasty buttery…
Nature Care Challenge | July 2020: Zero Food Waste
An average western household throws away about 1/4 of the food they buy. Considering the carbon footprint, the land cleared to grow crops and the amount of people going to bed hungry in the world, 1/4 is simply not acceptable. This month I challenge you to cut your food waste to Zero. And here are…
Nature Care Challenge | June 2020: Never Buy Bottled Water Ever Again.
Guys, lets just cut the excuses. There is no reason to buy bottled water. The world currently produces approximately 1 million plastic bottles per minute. Only a fraction ever make it into recycling and to make it worse, recycling is mostly a myth. You see, while plastic can be recycled, it can never be recycled…