Time goes by so quickly! Its already May! May is my favourite month in Europe. Everything is super lush and juicy green. Just looking out the window at the trees is instant stress relief. My challenge this month has to do with celebrating the beauty. By cleaning up. This month I challenge you to pick…
Tag: Short Reads
Nature Care Challenge | November 2021: Let the Tea Loose!
It is now cool and wet and dark and all I want to do is curl up with lots of blankets, read books and sip on tea. And that made me come up with this month’s, very simple challenge: This month, I challenge you to stop buying tea prepackaged in bags, switch to loose tea…
No, this blog is not dead! Just hibernating.
Yes I know! Its been too long since my last post and I feel really guilty. It’s just that I am so busy! What could she possibly be doing that takes up that much time? She’s breeding hamsters. What? Yes, she got a job as a conservation breeder for the European hamster (Cricetus cricetus). But…
Warming Winter Breakfast Oats
It snowed! It’s cold! And I decided to get back into the habit of having fruit for breakfast. There is not a lot of fruit in the middle of winter but thankfully the freezer is full of things from when the garden was full of food. I just made something with what I had, and…