It is still winter. That means lots of cuddly times with books, tea, knitting and podcasts for me. Well, trying to knit at least. But all that indoor activity and trying to ward off the cold means the air inside can get quite stale. I’ve recently noticed, how many people tip their windows for fresh…
Category: Monthly Challenges
Nature Care Challenge | January 2020: Better Eating for the Planet and Your Body
Happy New Year!! Let it be a weird and wonderful year and most of all, let this year be big for the fight against climate change! 2020 we rise up! Also happy 1st of January everyone, it is time for another sustainability challenge. This one was actually requested by a friend of mine who loves…
Nature Care Challenge | December 2019: Wrap Up Nicely
Oh look! It’s another festive season! Its the season for panicked shopping and stress-relieve-decorating. Aaaaah consumerism! Let us bury ourselves in garbage! Yes, I have been called a Grinch before, but hear me out: I’m a fan of Greta Thunberg and in a recent interview I saw on the Ellen Show, I learned her top…
Nature Care Challenge | November 2019: Share Food
About a quarter of all our greenhouse gas emissions are accounted to forestry and agriculture. Modern agriculture is one of the big contributors to habitat loss and the resulting extinction of way too many species already. To make it worse, about a third (!) of the food produced globally is lost or wasted. That’s about…
Nature Care Challenge | October 2019: Swap Clothes
At the risk of repeating myself, consumerism is bad for the planet. Which is why cutting down your consumption of things to what you actually NEED to be new, is a great way to love our mother earth better (I’m feeling very tree-huggy today). One thing we do not need to buy new, especially not…
Nature Care Challenge | September 2019: Cycle Everywhere
Cycling keeps you fit, while it’s easy on your knees. It makes you happy. Seriously, count smiles on cyclists versus people in cars.It wakes you up and gets your mind sharp and ready for logic and creativity. It can also be a nice unwind and meditative moment in-between to do’s or at the end of…
Nature Care Challenge | August 2019: Short Distance Holidays
I just talked to someone who was upset about circumstances threatening to make flights from Germany to Mallorca more expensive and how that is a social injustice. But when did it get justifiable for anyone, regardless of income, to fly for just a long weekend? This month I challenge you, to have a look around…
Nature Care Challenge | July 2019: Refuse Single-Use Utensils
You already might be a pro sustainable take-away-hot-bevarage-drinker by now, but what about everything else? This month I challenge you to refuse all SINGLE USE forks, spoons, knives, chop sticks, straws and water bottles. Instead, have a look for easy, pop-in-your-bag alternatives that you can carry with you and whip out whenever you need them…
Nature Care Challenge | June 2019: Got Beef with Beef
Producing food and bringing it from the land to our plates is the source of about 1/4 of our planet’s total greenhouse gas emissions. More than half of those emissions are contributed by the livestock industry. And the biggest whopper in that industry is beef and lamb (Poore & Nemecek (2018), Science). It’s Not just…
Nature Care Challenge | May 2019: Bag the Plastic
Plastic bags are stupid: They fly around looking ugly, tear into shreds and hang in trees, leach toxins into the environment, and turtles & Co. choke on them because they mistake them for jellyfish. I kid you not, I once watched a cow throw up a plastic bag in the streets of India. And although…