Time goes by so quickly! Its already May! May is my favourite month in Europe. Everything is super lush and juicy green. Just looking out the window at the trees is instant stress relief. My challenge this month has to do with celebrating the beauty. By cleaning up. This month I challenge you to pick…
Category: Lifestyle
8 Ways To Cut Fossil Fuels Out Of Your Life
Today is Fossil Fools Day! Here in Europe, we are sadly still dependent on fossil fuels, a lot of which we get from Russia. Our relationship with which recently took a dramatic nose dive with their invasion of Ukraine, with one effect being a dramatic increase in the petrol prices and therefor all supermarkets being…
DIY-Seed Paper – A Greeting Card That Will Sprout Flowers
Its Valentine’s day very soon. And I’m not really a person who appreciates days that focus on “you have to buy stuff or else you’re doing it wrong” but I do very much enjoy making creative love notes for my special people. And now I came up with a nature inspired one. Make your own…
Invite Hedgehogs Into Your Garden
Tomorrow, 02.02. is Hedgehog Day! So lets celebrate and make life nicer for them. What About Hedgehogs? Hedgehogs are small mammals with short little legs, cute, wet noses, beady eyes, tiny little sharp teeth, and a back covered in spines which they can curl up into for protection, kind of like a draw string bag….
New Year’s Challenge 2022: Can You Function Without A Car?
Happy Gnu Year! Last January I chose a big topic of Veganism as a bigger challenge, that maybe needed a bit more time than just a month to get into. So this year I wanted to do something similarly big-deal and more difficult for many. Climate change is not slowing down, so let’s tackle one…
No-Kill Christmas Tree
My family asked me if I would come with them to choose a tree and I felt like a real Grinch saying I don’t want to participate in cutting down a whole tree just for decorating a living room for 2-4 weeks.But that’s how I felt. I love the pagan traditions of Christmas but watching…
Nature Care Challenge | November 2021: Let the Tea Loose!
It is now cool and wet and dark and all I want to do is curl up with lots of blankets, read books and sip on tea. And that made me come up with this month’s, very simple challenge: This month, I challenge you to stop buying tea prepackaged in bags, switch to loose tea…
Pfälzer Dobbes – A Recipe for Autumn Savory Sprinkle Topping with Sweet Chestnuts
It is time for foraging and preparing for winter! Well, not really, as we have supermarkets, but it is still a nice way to spend your autumn afternoons: Breathing fresh air and looking at the colorful leaves. So go out and collect some freshly fallen sweet chestnuts! Bring them home and then follow this recipe…
Wonderful Wild Garlic (Allium ursinum) – And my Favourite Way to Eat it: Wild Garlic-Oil
Its that time of the year where foraging is exciting even to those who don’t like the acquired taste of many wild plants: Wild garlic is popping up and I am spending my free time looking for it in the forest close to my home. Yesterday, I even bumped into a wild boar, who was…
Nature Care Challenge | April 2021: Quit Fast Fashion
Hello lovely people! So Germany, where I live, has been on partial lock down since almost half a year now. Everything being closed, one would think, should make Shop Stop very easy. And still I found myself seduced by pretty things on the internet and buying them. And then I got scammed. Not a big…