Its festive season! This means excited cookie baking and decorating and gleefully embracing the music you would never listen to for the other 11 months of the year. And it means stressed gift shopping. Each year we buy gifts for the people we care about. However, it is often hard to find the perfect gift….
Category: Monthly Challenges
Nature Care Challenge | November 2020: Lending and not Buying
Hello lovely people!It is time for another Nature Care Challenge. One of the best ways to preserve nature, is to limit our consumption of stuff. Since we learned about Shop Stop already, where we ask ourselves whether we really need something pre-purchase, I think we can take it a step further: What if we do…
Nature Care Challenge | October 2020: Get Political
Ugh! I had a technical fail and never realized this Post didn’t upload when I told it to, just before hastily closing my laptop. So this one is a little belated. But on the plus side, now I can add pictures of my latest protest adventures during a pandemic. Times are crazy and the destruction…
Nature Care Challenge | September 2020: Surf and Plant Trees with Ecosia
Dare I say it? Is summer over? Is it time to go back to work? Well, in these times, who knows! Whatever the circumstances, getting to work on fixing the planet is never a bad way to spend your time. And this month’s challenge is VERY simple and so satisfying. This month, I challenge you…
Nature Care Challenge | August 2020: That Thing About Packaging
Hello lovely people! This month, I have a challenge that is also still a challenge for me, rather than already a habit. This month I challenge you to buy only package-free! I find this hard. Especially after a long day at work it is much easier to stop at the supermarket on the way, rather…
Nature Care Challenge | July 2020: Zero Food Waste
An average western household throws away about 1/4 of the food they buy. Considering the carbon footprint, the land cleared to grow crops and the amount of people going to bed hungry in the world, 1/4 is simply not acceptable. This month I challenge you to cut your food waste to Zero. And here are…
Nature Care Challenge | June 2020: Never Buy Bottled Water Ever Again.
Guys, lets just cut the excuses. There is no reason to buy bottled water. The world currently produces approximately 1 million plastic bottles per minute. Only a fraction ever make it into recycling and to make it worse, recycling is mostly a myth. You see, while plastic can be recycled, it can never be recycled…
Nature Care Challenge | May 2020: Plogging
This month, I challenge you to try out Plogging. It’s just like regular jogging, or (power) walking, if that’s more your flavour, while simultaneously picking up the litter you pass by and disposing of it properly.
Nature Care Challenge | April 2020: Media Meetings
Hello friends! How are you doing in these crazy Corona-infested times? Are you #SocialDistancing and #FlattenTheCurve -ing? Is your life completely upside down or is it more like mine: hasn’t really changed at all and left me wondering if I’m an antisocial weirdo. I Shop Stopped a long time ago, so I didn’t notice when…
Nature Care Challenge | March 2020: Chem-Free Cleaning
Have you ever looked on the back of your bathroom cleaning agent and saw that little icon with the dead fish and naked tree on it? As a child I always felt horrible for the poor fish. What it means, is that the product you’re about to flush down your toilet and sink and shower…